Villages Zoutelande

Together with Dishoek and Westkapelle, this area is also known as the Zeeland Riviera. Zoutelande offers the most beautiful dunes of Walcheren: high, rugged, and a feast for the eyes. You can paraglide and hike here, and it is the perfect place for runners who want to get some altitude metres under their belt. The village is pleasantly crowded and because the dunes break the wind, it is a delightful place to enjoy a bite to eat or a drink even when it cools down. 

Artikelen Tips
Sleeping Waking up happy
Wake up to the sound of the waves or in one of the charming villages in the municipality of Veere. Veere & surroundings has it all: sweeping views, idyllic villages and atmospheric towns. We have listed 5 tips for waking up happy.
Food and drinks The best hot drinks for a cold winter's day
Winter is almost upon us and what better way to keep warm than with a hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, or a delicious latte? If you are getting bored with tea selection boxes, we offer you the 3 best hot drinks in the municipality of Veere. Needless to say: with a twist!
Zoutelandse Molen
Molenweg 29
4374 BE Zoutelande
Strand zoutelande
4374 BA Zoutelande
4374 BA Zoutelande
Beach Hotel | Kloeg Collection
Duinweg 97
4374 EC Zoutelande
Brood & Brunch 't Hof
Willibrordusplein 24
4374 AX Zoutelande
Duinhotel Tien Torens | Zeayou Zeeland
Duinweg 36
4374 EE Zoutelande
Villa Zeezout | Kloeg Collection
Bosweg 42
4374 EN Zoutelande
Zoutelande Kerk
Willibrordusplein 3
4374 AX Zoutelande
Strand Zoutelande
Strand Zoutelande
4374 XZ Zoutelande
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