Activities Enjoy the beautiful environment

There is always something going on in the municipality of Veere. Get inspired and head out to explore the island. Have lovely day on the beach, eat a delicious meal, or walk through the beautiful countryside and enjoy all that the Municipality of Veere has to offer. 

Food and drinks Discover the best places for delicious ice cream
With the sun shining high in the sky and the warm summer breeze wafting through the streets of Veere, there is no better time to treat yourself to some delicious, refreshing ice cream. Whether you opt for creamy vanilla, fruity sorbet, or a daring flavor combination, having ice cream melt on your tongue is the ultimate refreshment on a hot day. We recommend three places for delicious ice cream!
Food and drinks 3x delicious fries!
Tijd voor een goedgevulde zak friet! En dan geen slappe stengels, maar goudbruin gebakken met een lekker sausje erbovenop. Ideaal tijdens jouw vakantie, want je hoeft zelf niet te koken en je mag met je vingers eten. Wij geven je een fijn lijstje waar je de allerlekkerste friet kunt eten.
Food and drinks 3x 'Maatjes' herring on the coast
No visit to Zeeland is complete without eating a 'Maatjes' herring Dutch style. A good herring has a briny taste and is eaten with one's fingers. How? Grab the herring by the tail, dip it in finely chopped onions and let the herring dangle in the air as you bend your head back. Next, bring the herring to your mouth and take a bite. That is how the Dutch like to eat their herrings. Where will you enjoy yours? Here are three prime spots!
Food and drinks The best grilled sandwiches – listed
We all love a grilled sandwich! Or tosti’s, as the Dutch call them. For lunch or breakfast, or when you get the savoury munchies: a grilled sandwich is always a good idea. Thickly sliced bread, generously topped with cheese, and crispy crusts. We have listed the most delicious grilled sandwiches for you.
Tips Instagram-worthy spots in the municipality of Veere
This may surprise you, but the municipality of Veere is a photogenic part of Zeeland, and we're not just talking about the ample beaches and beautiful nature. Here are five of the most photogenic spots in the municipality of Veere that you can visit to brighten up your Instagram account.
Sleeping Waking up happy
Wake up to the sound of the waves or in one of the charming villages in the municipality of Veere. Veere & surroundings has it all: sweeping views, idyllic villages and atmospheric towns. We have listed 5 tips for waking up happy.
Shoppen Shop till you drop
The many tourists who visit us year after year are already well aware that the municipality of Veere is home to quite a few gems. If you are looking to spend a day shopping, there are plenty of options. Be surprised by the local entrepreneurs: from authentic small shops, trendy concept stores and picturesque browsing sheds to elegant boutiques.
Food and drinks The best hot drinks for a cold winter's day
Winter is almost upon us and what better way to keep warm than with a hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, or a delicious latte? If you are getting bored with tea selection boxes, we offer you the 3 best hot drinks in the municipality of Veere. Needless to say: with a twist!
Food and drinks your favourite comfort food with a veg(etari)an facelift!
Are you a vegetarian or vegan? And are you looking for the best restaurants in Veere where you can eat veg(etari)an? Gotcha! Here are three tips for restaurants serving delicious veg(etari)an food.
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