Villages Vrouwenpolder

Nestled in between Veerse Meer on one side and the North Sea on the other, Vrouwenpolder is a unique spot. Water sports enthusiasts and sun lovers happily gather together here.

With its beautiful wide beaches, perfect kitesurfing and several diving locations, many locals also love hanging out here. The Oosterschelde National Park and the Oranjezon Nature Reserve are within cycling distance of this lovely spot.

Sleeping Waking up happy
Wake up to the sound of the waves or in one of the charming villages in the municipality of Veere. Veere & surroundings has it all: sweeping views, idyllic villages and atmospheric towns. We have listed 5 tips for waking up happy.
Shoppen Shop till you drop
The many tourists who visit us year after year are already well aware that the municipality of Veere is home to quite a few gems. If you are looking to spend a day shopping, there are plenty of options. Be surprised by the local entrepreneurs: from authentic small shops, trendy concept stores and picturesque browsing sheds to elegant boutiques.
Food and drinks your favourite comfort food with a veg(etari)an facelift!
Are you a vegetarian or vegan? And are you looking for the best restaurants in Veere where you can eat veg(etari)an? Gotcha! Here are three tips for restaurants serving delicious veg(etari)an food.
Restaurant Uitspanning
Oranjezon, Kon. Emmaweg 26
4354 KE Vrouwenpolder
Natuurgebied Oranjezon
Emmaweg 22
4354 KD Vrouwenpolder
Bikeshop Breezand
Zandbank 1A
4354 NR Vrouwenpolder
Breezand Vakanties
Zandbank 1
4354 NR Vrouwenpolder
My Cup Of Tea
Dorpsdijk 32
4354AD Vrouwenpolder
Sand & Sea
Zandbank 1
4354 NR Vrouwenpolder
Strandrestaurant De Dam
Strand Vrouwenpolder 80
4354 XZ Vrouwenpolder
4354 NV Vrouwenpolder
Pelgrimskerk Vrouwenpolde
Fort Den Haakweg 2
4354 AE Vrouwenpolder
Bedevaartskapel Vrouwenpolder
Hoogh Plaetweg
4675 RB Vrouwenpolder
Het Heilige Graf
Het Heilige Graf
4354 AZ Vrouwenpolder
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